PUR Compassion Campaign

Robert was born as an identical twin son to James and Jaquelyn Keck. He had a sense of joy and humor as a child, and these characteristics never left him. His friends describe him as a man of sound advice with a calm demeanor and a listening ear. He was also a man of deep faith, great humility, and infectious humor and wit.
The greatest love of Robert’s life was his wife Priscilla (Monson), his high school sweetheart. All who knew them admired the depth of their love. The greatest gifts of this love are their four children; Grace (8), Adam (5), Olivia (3), and Scarlett (1). Scarlett arrived in December 2015, only two weeks after Robert’s diagnosis of leukemia, and was born just down the hall from his ICU room in the Billing’s MT hospital. All four of these children were, and unmistakably remain, Robert’s greatest loves.
Robert had great musical talent and deep faith in our Lord, and often combined the two when he sang with Priscilla at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. He also served his country as a soldier for the North Dakota Air National Guard, and worked as an electronics technician at Ekblad, Inc., in Williston, where his knowledge and care for his customers was unparalleled.
Throughout the last two difficult years, Robert and Priscilla have lived the vows of their marriage in a most awe-inspiring way. Their love for each other, and their faith in God has been remarkable. And even after all that has happened, Priscilla’s faith and strength is steady. But the future is uncertain, and there are many who would like to continue to support her. Priscilla’s friends and family are hoping this campaign will help to give her some peace of mind, and a few more months to stay at home with her children as she begins the process of healing and moving forward.
Please help with any amount you feel your heart is desiring you to give. For every financial sacrifice, big or small, given from the heart is a gift unmeasurable in the eyes of those who receive it.
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