PUR Service Team / Project

PUR International
Costa Rica Flooding
For: PUR International    
Costa Rica
Organizer: Ricky Waitman    
Raised: $ 3,505 from 20 supporters



Before Hurricane Nate landed in the US, it passed through Costa Rica. This tropical storm dumped feet of rain swelling every river and stream to unimaginable levels. Every low lying home or structure within half a mile from these water sources was destroyed.

The main people who were impacted weren’t the owners of high dollar houses in the resort areas. They were hard working locals who didn’t have much, but now have nothing.

We are raising support to help rebuild houses and to buy essential supplies for as many impacted as possible!

Unlike in the US, a dollar goes an extremely long way. Any size donation will truly make a difference!

Please consider giving to this cause. Even a little can forever change the unknown future of all these affected by the storm.


Supporters   20